Giving at St. Peter’s
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” ~ Proverbs 11:25
St. Peter’s is a self-funded organization. In recognition of the church’s tradition of calling us to work, pray, and give for the spread of God’s kingdom, all members of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church are encouraged to develop a personal spiritual discipline that includes the holy habits of tithing, daily personal prayer, lifelong Christian formation, serving others through our gifts of time and talents, Sabbath time, and weekly corporate worship.
We embrace a vision of stewardship through a joyful response to God's extravagant gifts; to confront fears of scarcity; and to empower the mission of Christ through gratitude and resilience leading to generous giving. CLICK HERE to read the Vestry’s stewardship statement.
Give Now
Members of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church contribute in all sorts of ways to the life of our community. We think of these ways of contributing as gifts of time, talent, and treasure. Giving encourages our spiritual growth and trust in God, strengthens the ministry, community outreach and service, and overall health of our congregation. Here are four ways you can give now:
To contribute to your pledge text the word “Pledge” to 703-420-1866. To donate to St. Peter’s text the word “Give” to 703-420-1866.
Give online
Give securely right now with your credit card on THIS PAGE on our website.
Give by PayPal
We can receive cash contributions through our PayPal account. Click here to be directed to our PayPal donation page.
Mail in Checks
Mail checks to 4250 North Glebe Road, Arlington, VA, 22207. Please include the purpose of your donation in the memo line.
Pledge Giving
Annual Giving supports the yearly operating budget which covers the church’s daily expenses of worship each week, providing Christian formation for adults and children, pastoral care for parishioners in need, and supporting our ministry partners through local and international mission. Each household is asked to make a pledge so that we may be good stewards, planning our yearly expenses and expenditures.
Annual Pledges can be paid in a number of ways:
A one-time gift or regular payments.
Stock transfers, weekly giving envelopes, online, and Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT).
Call the Parish Office if you have questions about your envelopes
Send your pledge or contribution directly to St. Peter’s at: 4250 North Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22207.
Memorial Gifts
A memorial donation to St. Peter’s Episcopal Church is a generous way to express sympathy for the loss of a special person. Your Memorial Donation can be made in honor of a family member, friend, or neighbor, or co-worker. Gifts are placed in a Memorial Fund used for the mission of the Church. To give by check, mail to 4250 North Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22207. To give online, click here, and indicate “memorial gift” in the memo line.
Generation-to-Generation (Gen2Gen) Fund
St. Peter’s is a vibrant community of faith, hope, and joy. Each of us contributes gifts of time, talent, and annual financial support to make it possible for St. Peter’s to meet its present needs while reaching out to the larger community of which it is a part. But much of what we have is the result of extraordinary gifts from those who preceded us. Our facilities and grounds are such gifts. St. Peter’s future similarly depends on legacies that we choose to make today. CLICK HERE to learn more about the Generation to Generation Fund.
Altar Flowers
Flowers from God’s creation are a way for us to remember loved ones and to give thanks to God for people or events in our lives. If you would like to dedicate flowers in loving memory of someone, to celebrate an anniversary, birthday, or any occasion consider dedicating flowers for Sunday worship. CLICK HERE to dedicate flowers. Suggested donations are $80 -$100.
2023 Stewardship Campaign
God has given you unique gifts and trusts you will use those gifts to further God’s mission for the world. We encourage you to consider proportional giving by recognizing the proportion and percentage of your giving at this point in time and prayerfully work towards tithing as the goal. We recognize that this is an intentional process and a goal to work towards joyfully and prayerfully. CLICK HERE to learn more about the 2023 Stewardship campaign.