You have called us into a community of welcome;
give us grace to deepen our participation in this calling.
(from A Prayer for Saint Peter’s)
Thank you for interest in making a financial commitment to Saint Peter’s. Your support helps Saint Peter’s offer quality worship, Christian formation, and opportunities to make a difference in the world. We are entirely member supported.
Our 2025 Goals
Join others in pledging to ensure the vitality of St. Peter’s. Our goal is to increase giving by 5% and welcome 15 new households so that we can:
Share God’s love with our neighbors near and far.
Strengthen ministry with children, youth, and families.
Care for our campus and the environment.
Make a joyful noise in worship and in our lives.
Have questions? See this FAQ, or email: stewardship@saint-peters.org to ask a question about pledging to St. Peter’s. You are also welcome to contact the church office. [Inquiries are confidential.]
Many Ways to Give
Mail Checks
Mail checks to 4250 North Glebe Road, Arlington, VA, 22207. Please include the purpose of your donation in the memo line.
You can setup a direct funds transfer from your bank account to St. Peter’s account from our online giving portal.
Stock Shares
You can contribute appreciated stock to St. Peter’s without having to sell it. Please contact the church office for info.
Credit/Debit Cards
To give by credit and debit cards go to this online giving portal.
To contribute to your pledge text the word “Give” to 877-767-4140.