
Your word is a lantern to my feet and a light upon my path. (Psalm 119:105)

Grace and peace to you on this summer Saturday morning. It’s a bit cooler today after last night’s torrential rain. I was having a leisure dinner on the porch of friends last evening and so enjoyed the lingering pitter-patter of raindrops that gave rhythm to a rich conversation. I pray that wherever you are, you too are enjoying summer evenings with family, friends, and neighbors. 

The first line of tomorrow’s psalm –Your word is a lantern to my feet and a light upon my path–  is a familiar verse inviting us to dwell with God’s word. We understand God’s word to come to us primarily through Scripture and regular Bible study. And there are plenty of resources to draw from. 

One I am particularly fond of is pray-as-you-go. This daily podcast walks listeners through 10 minutes of Scripture, music, and reflection and can be a source of grounding on your daily commute to work, or while walk your dog, or washing the dishes, or wherever you go. I’ve been listening to pray-as-you go since 2006 when it was founded by a British Jesuit priest and have found it helps God’s word work in the soil of my heart. Pray-as-you-go is rooted in the Ignatian spiritual practices that seeks to do just that – open our hearts so that our very lives can be guided by the word of God. 

To try the podcast for yourself, go to www.pray-as-you-go.org or download the app on your smartphone.

See you tomorrow when we have three opportunities to worship together – 8 a.m. in the chapel, 10:15 a.m. in the sanctuary, and 5 p.m. in the outdoor chapel. The evening service is followed by a simple meal. 

See you tomorrow!

The Rev. Jenifer Gamber, Rector
St. Peter's Episcopal Church




A Promising Future