In Particular

Grace and peace to you. I hope that you are able to find time to rest today. Saturday is the Sabbath day. You are invited to set aside some time to rest.

My husband, Ed, and I have begun to take evening walks with our dog Ruby in the Potomac Overlook Park. The park offers paved walkways along with wooded paths. The trees at the overlook to the Potomac River are now grown, occluding the view of the Potomac. Without a larger view to capture our imagination, our gaze is cast on nature close by — on particular plants, shrubs, and trees growing just a few feet away. Oaks, beeches and tulip trees. Azaleas and fiddleheads. Our ears are attuned to particular songbirds. Red-bellied Woodpeckers, American Robins, and White-breasted Nuthatches. 

In tomorrow’s gospel passage we will hear Jesus instructing his disciples about love. We’ve been hearing about love nearly every week during the Easter Season. In this passage, Jesus instructs his disciples to make themselves at home in his love and further, to love one another.

This isn’t some generalized feel-good love. Jesus is inviting his followers to love in the particular. Love the particular people, particular places and particular things of your life. Love your actual neighbor— the one who lives next to you with the dog who barks at 7 AM. Or the other who mows the lawn at 8 AM. Love this particular moment — the hot coffee, the porch, the noise, the silence. Love your particular feelings — excitement, grief, tiredness, rest. Love the sounds of the birds. Love is specific. 

Love life in its particularity. This is your home. Experience it through the gaze of love.




Good Shepherd