No Exceptions

Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?’ ~ Matthew 22:36

Good morning. I pray that you are enjoying this beautiful fall weather. Before long we will be entering the colder months of winter. Start getting out your sweaters!

Tomorrow our gospel lesson ends a day of verbal sparring between Jesus and the religious leaders. Pharisees pose this final question: “Which commandment in the law is greatest?” (Matt. 22:36).

Jesus answers: the first on any list is to love God. The Pharisees expect this answer. Jesus then adds the the more challenging implication: loving God means loving your neighbor.

Loving our neighbors isn’t always so easy, is it? What about my neighbor who doesn’t look like me? Doesn’t act like me? Doesn’t pray like me? Doesn’t think like me? Doesn’t love like me?

Jesus makes no exceptions. Love your neighbor. Period.

On Sunday, November 5th we will welcome two new members into the household of God through baptism. In that service, we will join the families of the newly baptized and answer a set of five questions, each beginning with “will you…” By answering “We will,” we promise to live as the people of God.

Among the questions is, “Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself? Notice the word “all.” No exceptions.

How will you love your neighbor today?  How will you love someone who is different from you, who may annoy you, or may live differently than you? Make an intention to love today.

See you tomorrow at church. Let’s practice loving our neighbor together.



Rector, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church


Pass on Faith

