About Us
St. Peter’s Is an Episcopal Church Committed to Jesus’ Way of Love
–– Who We Are
Called together in Christ. Transformed by God’s grace. Sent out to serve.
Founded in 1961, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church continues to be a growing church with people at all stages of life actively involved in the lay ministries and leadership of the parish. In particular, we have a thriving community of families with young children and active seniors who gather for worship, service, and fellowship.
–– What We Believe
We believe that God
loves you. No exceptions.
St. Peter’s is an Episcopal church committed to Jesus’ way of love. We believe in following the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world.
We believe that Scriptures are the inspired Word of God and require interpretation under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The core message of Scripture is to love one another as God loves us. We have a tradition of inclusion and of striving to tell and exemplify God's love for every human being.
–– Music at St. Peter’s
Music is an integral part of our community.
We have several adult choirs and the St. Cecilia Choir for children and youth. Over 60 volunteer musicians enhance our worship through four choral groups and a handbell ensemble. Our annual Messiah sing-along recently celebrated its 25th anniversary, and hundreds of young people have participated in our biennial St. Peter’s Music Productions.
–– Our Mission
The mission of St. Peter’s is a simple call to put your faith into action.
At St. Peter’s, we worship God with energy and joy, seek a deeper faith in Jesus Christ, minister to those in need, and reach out to welcome others into our community of faith. We enjoy music and laughter, and place a high value on Christian formation. Our youth are actively involved in all dimensions of our life together. We are a community of all ages, committed to using our gifts in the service of others and to the glory of God.