Central to our community
Children & Youth
Click here to read the Fall 2024 letter from Sue Cromer, our Director of Children, Youth and Families.
–– Children
We nurture the faith lives of children.
The sound of children at St. Peter’s is the sound of the body Christ. We live into this commitment by offering an experience of welcome for all children. We invite families to feel a sense of belonging here. We support the faith lives of children through worship, Sunday School, and opportunities to serve the local community. Sunday school is offered every Sunday (Sept-May) at 9 am before the 10:15 am worship service. Our hope is that children feel deeply, consistently, and reflexively that they are loved and welcome. Adult parishioners are encouraged to help with the fun.
–– Youth
We accompany youth growing into the full stature of Christ
Youth are an integral part of our parish. They participate in and lead worship services, sing in the choir, contribute to the audio-visual crew, serve others, and engage in other fun and special events. The youth gather regularly for Sunday School at 9 AM and on the first and third Sunday evenings at 6 PM for youth group. Our youth ministry seeks to build community, explore the big questions of faith, and live out the mission of St. Peter’s. We balance fun with learning. The youth ministry of St. Peter’s exists to connect, serve, and inspire youth so that they grow in their faith in God and are empowered to serve others .
–– Families
Raising faithful children
St. Peter’s seeks to help parents hand down the faith to their children by equipping parents with the capacity to have everyday conversations about faith and the support parents who seek to make faith a priority for their family. The Family Table on the third Sundays of the month at 5:30 p.m. is a great opportunity to worship together as a family and meet other parents. Or, come to one of the parent forums at St. Peter’s. We are here for parents as you seek to grow in faith for yourself and your children.