Christian Formation for Youth
Sunday School and Youth Group
Grades 7-9
Students in grades 6-8 enroll in a 2-year confirmation program. They explore beliefs in the Episcopal Church, the Bible, spiritual practices, worship, and ministry. The class participates in a service project and serve as acolytes, readers, ushers, preachers, or choir members for worship. Students choose whether and when they are ready to be confirmed. Class meets Sunday mornings at 9 AM.
10th -12th Grade
Students in grades 9-12 explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus by exploring the practices that Jesus lived and that Jesus invites us to practice in our daily life. Trusted adults lead the class using a curriculum called “Follow Me.” Class meets Sunday mornings at 9 AM.
Youth Group
Students in Grades 6 and up meet the first and third Sundays starting at 6 p.m. for a meal and fellowship. During youth group we talk about Jesus, hang out, and play games. Sometimes we take trips off site.
–– Student leadership
Youth serve as leaders of worship and in mission for neighbors near and far
We recognize that youth have gifts for leadership and invite youth into leadership roles at St. Peter’s. This is a place for youth to build relationships across generations and experience what it means to be an integral and meaningful member of a faith community.