Pastoral Care
Call on us. We’re here for you.
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” ~ 1 Peter 4:10
St. Peter’s provides pastoral care services through our Clergy, our Pastoral Care Team, and other volunteers working together in a coordinated way to meet expressed needs within our parish.
If you or a loved one are in need of assistance, please let us know by calling the office at 703-536-6606. The ministries below are some of the ways we can help. If you’d like to help in any of these ministries, please let us know by calling the office.
Hospital Visits
The clergy would like to visit you in the hospital. Please let the clergy or church office know if you or a loved one are in the hospital and if you would like a visit.
Newborn Baby Ministry
New parents! Let the clergy or church office know about the arrival of your new baby by calling or emailing the church office. If you would like help with meals or rides, let the church administrator know that as well.
To celebrate a birth, a rose is placed on the altar, the baby’s and parents’ names are listed in the bulletin, and a book is given by clergy to the baby.
Meals That Heal
This group provides meals to people who have a new baby, have had surgery or are sick, have had a death in the family, or otherwise need short-term assistance with meals. This group does not meet. Arrangements for meal preparation and delivery are made via email or calls as needs are identified.
If you need one or more meals, or if you are interested in helping with this ministry, please contact the church office.
St. Peter’s Drivers
This group provides rides for parishioners who need transportation assistance to church, to a doctor’s appointment, or for other special needs. If you would like this type of help, please call or email the church office.
Prayer Group
This group meets to offer prayers for those on St. Peter’s Prayer List in the Sunday bulletin and also for private prayer requests for those parishioners who do not want to be on the published list. Prayer requests may be made by calling or emailing the church office, or by placing a request in the Prayer Box located between the Narthex and Nave.
The Prayer Group meets in the Library of St. Peter’s at 7:30 PM on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact the church office. You are welcome for one session or many. There is no long-term commitment.
Clergy or Lay Visitors
Those who are sick, recovering from surgery, grieving, or dealing with an unexpected crisis or challenge may be visited by clergy or by members of the parish. Sometimes telephone calls are preferred. If you or a loved one would like to be visited or called, please contact clergy directly or the church office.
Some parish volunteers are licensed to take consecrated elements from Sunday services to parishioners who are in the hospital or are homebound. Arrangements can be made by contacting clergy directly or through the church office.
Eucharistic Visitors
Some parish volunteers are licensed to take consecrated elements from Sunday services to parishioners who are in the hospital or are homebound. Arrangements can be made by contacting clergy directly or through the church office.
Card Ministry
Each month the Care Team sends a card or note to each parishioner listed in need of God’s Healing Grace in the bulletin. In addition, cards are sent to those who have had a death in the family and to those who are dealing with an unexpected crisis or challenge. Sometimes, when personal visits are not an option, an organized effort is made to have members of the parish send cards to a sick or recovering parishioner.
Altar Flower Ministry
After Sunday services, volunteers distribute small bouquets of flowers from the altar.
Service of Remembrance
Annually St. Peter’s holds a Service of Remembrance dedicated to remembering those who have died, whether recently or in past years. The next Service of Remembrance is Sunday, November 5th.