Sunday Adult Forums
–– March 30 and April 7
Pew Participation: The People’s Role in the Sacraments
Some view worship similar to theatre, where those in the congregation are merely an audience, and those on the dais and in the choir are the ones who are participating. The beauty of liturgy, particularly in the Episcopal Church, is the invitation to full participation of all who are present, whether in the room or virtually. Join our seminarian, Maggie Paul, the next two Sundays as she shares how all are called to participate in our sacraments of Eucharist and Baptism from the pews and how your participation is vital to our communal life.
Upcoming Forums
Past Forums
–– March 23, 2025
The Love Quilt Project
Gretchen Ginnerty and Bill Montgomery will share updates on The Love Quilt Project and its incredible journey from its beginnings at Saint Peter’s to the impactful organization it is today.
The Love Quilt Project raises funds to support the educational needs of children in foster care in both South Africa and the U.S., while also providing them with a beautiful handmade quilt. Each quilt is filled with heartfelt messages of love, created by children from both countries, fostering connection and hope across borders.
–– Sunday, March 2
Travel Together and Journey Far - with Adrien Gehring
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, travel together.” This proverb, attributed to African cultures more communal than our own, offers deep wisdom for our spiritual journey through Lent and into the celebration of Easter. Sometimes, we make a private decision for a Lenten fast like, “no chocolate for 40 days,” and then sprint as quick as we can towards the Easter candy on the other side. However, if we want to go far on our journey, then we need to travel differently. Peer companionship, spiritual guides, ancestor wisdom, and the fresh perspectives of youth make our journey deeper and more life changing. Join me to look at the itinerary of our 40 day trip with Jesus, from the wilderness to the cross, and consider with whom you would like to travel so that together, we will all go far.
–– February 23
International Day of Remembrance: Heroes of the Holocaust
Each year the International Day of Remembrance is celebrated on January 27th, the day of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau by Soviet forces. This year is the 80th anniversary of that event, and we will consider the extraordinary lives of 3 people whose sense of purpose rose above any fears for their own fate:
Raoul Wallenberg (Compassion)
Francis Zabecki (Justice)
Cornelia (Corrie) ten Boom (Faith)
We hope you will join us to learn about and honor these inspirational "profiles in courage." The hour will include some short videos, photos and discussion.
–– February 9
Planning Your Own Funeral
Over the past two years, Saint Peter’s has hosted seventeen funerals for parishioners. Death is inevitable. While we do not know the moment of our death in advance, we can be certain that time will come and make plans in advance of our death. Making such plans is an active of love and will help your loved ones in their grief. It will help them honor your life well.
In this adult forum we will talk about the purpose of funerals. Are they for those who have died or for those who remain in this temporal life? Should you plan your own funeral? What is required when seeking an Episcopal funeral?
The Rev. Jenifer Gamber, Rector of Saint Peter’s will explore these questions and facilitate a discussion of the theological underpinnings of the burial rites in our Book of Common Prayer as well as offer the opportunity for you to plan your own funeral. Such advanced planning is a gift to those who you love.
Each attendee will receive a form to complete and return to the office. We will keep these plans in a secure file. You will also receive a list of suggested hymns and readings.
–– February 2
Planning for a More Graceful Aging
St. Peter's John Crouch will be joined by Richard Knight (Richardknight.com) and Betsey Wildhack ( MWM Legal Group, PLLC), practitioners in trust and estate planning and family law. The panel will share their experiences and offer suggestions for how best to plan for the next generation(s), from both wealth retention and family care (special needs, elder care) perspectives.
–– January 19
St. Antony & Dr. King: Contemplative Activism for Faithful Living
January observes celebrations for the lives of St. Antony of Egypt (Jan 17th) and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Jan 20th). One pioneered “desert monasticism” in the fourth century, a movement in which Christians retreated to practice spiritual asceticism in the desert of Egypt, while the other was an architect of the twentieth century civil rights movement. Each are exemplars of faithful living in response to sociopolitical dilemmas.
Christians have responded to change and challenge throughout the history of the Church. Faithfulness in the face of difficult realities is shaped through discernment, which inevitably differs according to the Spirit’s lead. No matter the times, drawing from a deep well of spiritual practice shapes and sustains an active life.
Join for a conversation on St. Antony, Dr. King, and others to consider spiritual practice for faithful living today. Led by Rev. David.
–– January 12
Jesus and the Powers
Mike Pizzi will lead us on a discussion of the Jesus and the Powers, written by N.T. Wright and Michael F. Bird.
From Amazon: …N. T. Wright and Michael F. Bird call Christians everywhere to discern the nature of Christian witness in fractured political environments. In an age of ascending autocracies, in a time of fear and fragmentation, amid carnage and crises, Jesus is king, and Jesus’s kingdom remains the object of the church's witness and work.
–– December 22
Star of Bethlehem
Was the Star of Bethlehem a miracle, a myth, or a astronomical phenomenon? Join us on Sunday, December 22 at 9 AM when Jennifer Lynn Bartlett, a professional astronomer, explores the astronomical, astrological, and historical aspects of this question. A miracle or a myth require no further explanation. However, Christians have speculated about a natural event as the source of the Bible account since at least the 3rd century. If the fabled Star can be associated with an astronomical or meteorological event, the event must have been one that 1st century scholarly elites would have associated with the birth of a great leader.
–– December 15
The Journey to Joy
This week final week of the series, we explore how the census led Mary and Joseph to travel from their home to Bethlehem. Focusing on the historical details surrounding them, we will follow the story of their journey and the eventual birth of Jesus in the stable. We will look at Luke’s symbolism in the birth and the visit from the shepherds, showing how Jesus’ future life is prefigured in the details of his birth.
–– December 8
The Promise of Potential
In a continuation of the series based on Amy Jill Levine’s book, Light of the World, we will explore the events around the annunciation to Mary from the Angel Gabriel. Mary arrives to visit Elizabeth, and the two celebrate their pregnancies. Levine places these characters in the context of Old Testament stories and shows how Luke references these texts. We will also explore Mary’s song of praise.
–– December 1
The Meaning of Memory
Advent is not only the perfect time to read the story of the birth of Jesus; it’s also a great time to dive deeper into the biblical texts that surround the event. On this first Sunday of Advent we will begin Amy Jill-Levine’s book and video series, Light of the World, and discusses Luke’s story of Zechariah and Elizabeth, the infertile couple who become miraculously pregnant with John the Baptist. Levine describes how the Angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah, and how Elizabeth’s pregnancy echoes that of other Old Testament matriarchs. Amy Jill Levine shows how these events lead up to the pregnancy of Mary and Luke’s Christmas story.
–– November 24
Solar Panel Presentation
Withe the support of B&G and Vestry, the Creation Care Team has researched the possibility of installing solar panels on the roof. Solar panels will reduce our carbon footprint and cut utility costs in half. The Vestry is now considering whether to authorize this project and would like to hear from you. Please come Sunday, November 24th, at 9 AM to hear about solar and share your thoughts – whether or not to move forward and, if so, the placement of panels. The Buildings and Grounds Commission and Creation Care Team will make a presentation, with ample opportunity for questions and time to hear from you. Click here for more.
–– November 17 at 9 AM
Diocesan Convention Recap
Each fall the congregations comprising the Diocese of Virginia gather for learning and legislation at their annual convention. Three members of Saint Peter’s Episcopal Chuch (Paddy Link, John Lushetsky, and Jack Schick), along with the Rev. Jenifer Gamber and the Rev. David Potter represented our church.
Come this Sunday, November 17th, to hear about Bishop Stevenson’s Pastoral Address, resolutions passed at convention, workshops, and plenary sessions. Learn how the life of the diocese can support the mission and ministry of Saint Peter’s.
–– November 3 at 9 AM
Annual Meeting
Sunday, November 3 we will hold the annual meeting of the congregation where we will elect in-coming members of the vestry and hear about the state of the congregation from the Rector, Senior Warden, Treasurer.
It is critical that all adult members attend this meeting as we need a quorum to conduct our business. You are considered an adult member if you are 16 years old and older and have received communion at least three times in the past 12 months.
–– October 27
Life Transitions: Changes from Grief
GRIEF is like the ocean. It comes in waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm and sometimes it is overflowing. All we can do is learn to swim. The purpose of this forum is to share suggestions from both professionals and those who have experienced grief personally on how to live with the grief caused by the death of a loved one (or of any major loss), including the resources that could be used to support you at such a time. It is also envisioned that the Forum will be a time to share stories of loss and what it has meant to you.
The forum will be hosted by parishioners Teresa Mastrangelo and Kathi O’Neill, and Certified Grief Counsellor, Jennifer Lanouette, NoVa Grief Support; Counseling.
–– October 20
End-of-Life Planning
Saudia Carson, Lead Funeral Director at Murphy Funeral Home Falls Church, will be accompanied on October 20th by two of her associates, E.J and George, and they will share information on end-of-life planning and processes. Ms. Carson will speak about at-need services (services with no planning ahead of time) and will address the importance of having a service, and how it is not just for the one who has passed but also for the ones who are left behind. The focus will then shift to pre-arranging end-of-life processes and services which differ from a will or trust (a topic for a future Forum in the Spring.) This will feature a slide presentation and be followed by an opportunity for questions and answers. Our speakers will share cards informing attendees whom they can call if they would like to speak further.
–– October 13
The Miracles in the Gospels and Our World Today
Led by Doug Marshall and Bob Woody
When we think about “Miracles” what does it mean to modern Americans? What did it mean in Jesus time to the people around him?
We will explore first some “miraculous events” from our national history, sporting challenges and survival stories. We will of course consider those ordinary “close calls” in traffic, job accidents and health scares that we’ve all experienced. We will also hear from some important historical detractors who claim that miracles “just don’t happen.”
–– September 15 at 9 a.m.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Please join Patty Beneke in a conversation about a “shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.” What is our responsibility as members of Saint Peter’s and inhabitants in the gift of creation?
Patty Beneke is former Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Water and Science, Senior Counsel to the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, and Regional Director and Representative, United Nations Environment Programme, and professor of law at Georgetown University.
–– June 16
Summer Bible Study Series Preparation
Please join us as we prepare for our summer series of Bible studies during the forum hour. Our group studies at St. Peter's are meant to be light and fun and provoke interest in gaining more from the library of biblical books that underpins the Christian faith. Each Sunday's biblical passages are based on the "Sunday Lectionary," which is a three year cyclical lectionary that runs from Advent to Advent (not the calendar year). We are currently in year B. (for more info see https://www.lectionarypage.net )
–– June 2
Creation Care and Federal Advocacy
A lifelong Episcopalian, Susie Faria is Policy Analyst for the Office of Government Relations. Ms. Faria was previously an intern before beginning this role at OGR. Prior to joining this office, she obtained her B.A. in Global Studies with minors in International Relations and Arts and Communications, while traveling the world with Long Island University Global, studying in Central America, Europe, and Australia. Her experiences abroad developed and curated her passion for the environment, history, international relations, and interreligious relations.
–– April 21
Fruits of Repentance
Join the Rev. Joseph Thompson, Ph.D. for a discussion of the guiding principles in the design of the Virginia Theological Seminary Reparations Program.
THE REV. DR. JOSEPH DOWNING THOMPSON, JR. serves Virginia Theological Seminary as Associate Dean of Multicultural Ministries and as a member of the faculty in the area of Practical Theology. His courses and administrative work help to ensure that seminarians engage with issues of race, justice, and intercultural awareness as part of their theological education. His teaching and research interests include the theological and spiritual dimensions of racial ideology in the USA, as well as the moral and ethical implications of the reparations movement. He holds a Ph.D. in African American Studies and English from Yale University.
–– April 7
Loneliness in Children and Teens: How Parents Can Help
How can we measure a child/teen's risk of loneliness? What kinds of research-based strategies are available that may increase a child/teen's sense of feeling socially connected?
Join Maureen Harris, researcher at Georgetown University's Digital Health and Happiness Lab to learn how to help your children thrive at a time when loneliness has risen to historic levels.
–– March 10
How The New York Times Covers Climate Change
The newsroom has an entire team dedicated to covering the science, policy and effects of the rapidly warming globe. Hannah Fairfield Wallander, the Climate Editor at The New York Times, will take you inside recent climate coverage, including an award-winning series on the nation's depleted groundwater.
––February 25
Eldercare Options: Navigating the Maze
Understanding the various elder care options available for your loved one can be daunting. This forum led by parishioner Joanne Marshall will review what she learned when she traveled this journey with her parents.
Topics covered will include:
descriptions of different types of care communities vs in home care,
the pros and cons and lessons learned during her experience.
challenges handling financial matters in a digital world.
Photo: Joanne Marshall’s parents.