November 3, 2024 at 9 AM

Annual Meeting

St. Peter’s is a member-led community with an elected board called a vestry.

At our annual meeting, we hear about the state of the church and elect four new vestry members, each serving a three-year term.

All members ages 16 and older are encouraged to attend the annual meeting. We offer childcare for infants to age 3 in the nursery and toddler room and activities for children ages 4 through 12 in the lower level. Youth in Grades 7-9 attend their confirmation class.

Annual Meeting Agenda

  1. Hymn 390 “Praise the Lord, the Almighty”

  2. Call to order and declaration of a Quorum

  3. The Lord’s Prayer and Opening Collects

  4. Approval of the 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes

  5. Election of New Vestry Members (biographies available here)

    Pete Johnson | Patricia Montgomery | Rich Snyder | Elizabeth “Lizz” Stell

  6. Rector’s Report 

  7. Senior Warden’s Report

  8. Finance Committee Report 

  9. Stewardship Team Report 

  10. The Doxology

  11. Blessing and Adjourn