Generation-to-Generation Fund
[O]ther seeds fell into good soil and brought forth grain,
growing up and increasing and yielding thirty fold and sixty fold and a hundredfold" Mark 4:8-9.
Planned Giving at St. Peter’s
St. Peter's is a vibrant community of faith, hope and joy. Each of us contributes gifts of time, talent, and annual financial support to make it possible for St. Peter's to meet its present needs while reaching out to the larger community of which it is a part. But much of what we have is the result of extraordinary gifts from those who preceded us. Our facilities and grounds are such gifts. St. Peter's future similarly depends upon legacies that we choose to make today.
The purpose of the fund is to provide seed money for new ministries and one-time outreach projects, to meet St. Peter's capital needs, and for other purposes designated by individual donors. The Fund is intended to be financed mainly by planned giving rather than gifts of current income. By making a provision for St. Peters in your estate plans, you sow the seeds that will secure for the future the blessings we receive as part of the St. Peter's community every day. You build on the foundation provided by the generosity of past and present members of the community of St. Peter's.
Gen2Gen funding has made the following possible:
Hearing assist devices
Portable large-screen TV for hybrid gatherings
Invite-Welcome-Connect Ministry
Ministry Architects engagement
Wood benches under the portico
Stained glass windows above front doors.
“In Gratitude” Legacy Society
What we do with what we have expresses what we believe.
We know this is true in our daily lives. By giving our time, our talents, and a portion of our income to St. Peter's, we express our gratitude for God's grace in our lives every day. Yet we easily forget that our written will or estate plan disposing of our earthly goods at the end of our lives can also convey our deepest commitments. Through planned giving, we can help assure the continuing witness and work of St. Peter's and other institutions that have sustained and nourished us during our lifetimes.
In 2002 the Vestry, the Generation to Generation Fund Board, and the Clergy of St. Peter's, in gratitude for God's Grace and for the heritage left to us by those who preceded us in this church, and sensing that we bear a similar responsibility to future generations, made provision for St. Peter's in their individual estate plans. You are invited you to join In Gratitude, a St. Peter's legacy society open to all and dedicated to the future of St. Peter's and its ministries.
You may become a member of In Gratitude by including St. Peter's as a beneficiary in your will or other estate plans. With your permission, your name will be added to the In Gratitude plaque to be placed in the Narthex, commemorating and celebrating those who have made a planned giving commitment to the church.
How to make a gift to the Generation to Generation Fund
"Planned giving" generally refers to gifts made from assets accumulated during one's lifetime rather than from current income. There are many vehicles by which a planned gift can be made. The choice of an appropriate vehicle usually provides significant tax advantages. Members of the Generation to Generation Fund Board can provide you with additional information. Some of the most common vehicles for planned giving are the following:
A current gift that can take the form of cash, securities, or other assets, such as objects of value or real estate.
A bequest provides for the church and its ministry through naming St. Peter's as a beneficiary in the donor's will or trust. The church can be named as either a direct or contingent beneficiary.
St. Peter's can be named as either a direct or contingent beneficiary of a donor's retirement fund. The tax treatment of undesignated retirement funds is onerous, and it can be particularly advantageous to designate the church as a beneficiary.
Giving a new or existing policy, or designating the church as beneficiary of a policy, can allow a large gift at small cost. St. Peter's can be named as a direct or contingent beneficiary.
A charitable remainder trust allows a donor to receive income for life while making a tax-effi cient major gift to the church. Similar results can be achieved for smaller gifts through the Episcopal Church Foundation's Pooled Income Fund and Charitable Gift Annuity programs.
The Generation to Generation Fund Board will gladly assist your independent advisors in any way possible. We strongly urge that you consult with your attorney, financial, or tax advisor to review this information. Speak to Bill Carr, Chair of the Generation to Generation Fund to become a member of the “In Gratitude” Legacy Society.