Called to Serve the Church
“The gifts he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” ~ Ephesians 4:11
Our community of faith is where we gather each week to worship God and to study, pray, and serve together. Just as Jesus maintained a core community we too must help to nourish our faith community. How might you be called to contribute?
Buildings & Grounds
St. Peter’s has a remarkable team of architects, builders, carpenters, landscapers, gardeners and just plain providers of elbow grease to keep the bricks, mortar and surrounding grounds looking amazing and inviting. If it is functional, beautiful, seasonal or welcoming, you can bet that B&G had a hand in it. —CONTACT THE OFFICE
Christian Formation
Christian formation is life-long. The Christian Formation Commission plans classes and programs for children, youth, and adults. Our faith formation offerings are scripturally grounded as we listen for what God is calling us to do and be in the world. Are you called to teach? —CONTACT THE RECTOR
This committee helps manage the external communications for the church, including the website, social media, signage and other avenues to increase St. Peter’s outreach. New participants are welcome! —CONTACT THE OFFICE
Fellowship is all about the art of gathering. If you enjoy conversation or planning gatherings, fellowship is for you! Fellowship plans all-parish events such as aour annual picnic celebrating St. Peter’s Feast Day, Welcome Back Sunday in the Fall, and receptions for periodic celebrations. Contact Carol King or call the church office for more. —GET INVOLVED
Finance Committee
St. Peter’s has robust programs for supporting parishioners’ spiritual experience, both inside and outside the walls of St. Peter’s. The Finance Committee stewards the treasures entrusted to our care so that St. Peter’s can serve this generation and generations to come.. —CONTACT THE OFFICE
Mission Commission
St. Peter’s is called to serve our hometown and our neighbors farther away. We support programs that focus on hunger and homelessness, including AFAC, A-SPAN, SOME, AHC Christmas Toy Drive, Homes Without Borders, Meals on Wheels, Rebuilding Together, Samaritan Ministries & Thanksgiving Food Drive as well as international missions. —LEARN MORE
Pastoral Care
The Pastoral Care Team works to meet expressed needs of individuals within our parish including hospital visits, prayer, phone calls, sharing Eucharist, and meals. Choose from among many ways to brighten the day for a fellow parishioner. —LEARN MORE
The Stewardship Committee develops and oversees our annual stewardship campaign each fall. St. Peter’s is entirely self-funded and relies on its stewardship campaign to fund the many activities of St. Peter’s. For more on stewardship and why people give to St. Peter’s, click here. — LEARN MORE
Worship Ministries
We have a place for you - whether you want to work behind the scenes on Altar Guild, Flower Guild, or on the Audio Visual crew, welcome people arriving for worship by serving as a greeter or an usher, or assist during the service as an acolyte, reader, chalice bearer, or verger, your help is welcome! Training provided as needed. —LEARN MORE