
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is a stewardship pledge? A stewardship pledge is an intention to to contribute a specific amount of money to the parish community. It reflects the giver’s gratitude for God’s abundant grace in his or her life. Pledging enables the Vestry to make realistic budget projections for the coming calendar year. We hope that all members of Saint Peter’s will contribute to the church with a stewardship pledge – even if it is only a small amount per week. 

  2. Why is pledging important? Imagine taking a job without knowing the annual salary? It would be hard to plan for your future! Pledging is the annual income of the church. It helps the Vestry plan for staffing, programs, and the building. We are grateful for both pledged and non-pledge support.

  3. Does Saint Peter’s receive financial support from the Diocese? No. As a parish, we fund our own staff, worship, education, activities, building costs, and mission support for community needs.

  4. Is there a minimum pledge I have to give to be a member at Saint Peter’s? No. All gifts, great or small, are received with gratitude. 

  5. What if I am not in a position to pledge right now? Contributing financially is not a requirement for membership. Gifts of your time and talent are valued and important expressions of stewardship. Volunteers are vital to ensure our ministries function properly. Please contact the clergy or staff to determine how you can pitch in. 

  6. How can I pay my pledge? You may make your pledge contribution by cash or check, by recurring or one-time online payments (credit, debit or ACH) at, or by a gift of securities.

  7. Are gifts to Saint Peter’s tax-deductible? Yes. Any contributions to St. Peter’s are tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted under federal and state law. 

  8. How much should I pledge? Only you and God can answer that question, but there are some points of guidance. First, Jesus teaches us that giving regularly and generously is a spiritual virtue, and that only once we have entrusted God with our finances does He truly gain possession of our hearts (Matthew 6:19–24). The ancient Israelite pledge was 10%, which has survived into the modern practice of tithing (Deuteronomy 14:22). We encourage you to give as generously as you can, while remembering that no gift is too small to be appreciated. 

  9. What if I pledge and my circumstances change? A pledge is not a binding contract between you and Saint Peter’s. Rather, a pledge is a spiritual commitment that represents a best estimate of what you intend to give in the coming year. It can be revised at any time without guilt or obligation. You can also increase your pledge if your financial situation improves. 

  10. When should I pledge? You can begin to pledge, or update your pledge, at any time.

  11. Who can I talk to about my pledge? Jay Harris, Chair of the Stewardship Committee ( is happy to answer questions. If you have questions about the spiritual dimensions of pledging, please contact our rector, Jenifer Gamber, at Any conversations about any aspect of pledging will be kept strictly confidential.