Be known to us, Lord Jesus,
in the breaking of the bread
These words from one our fraction anthems are some of my favorite in our liturgy. They are based on the gospel lesson from Luke that we will hear in tomorrow morning.
The story is familiar. Two disciples are walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus. It’s Sunday morning and the news they’d heard from the women that Jesus was alive confused them. They were deep in conversation. Along the way, a stranger joined them and asked what they were talking about. The stranger then turned to them and shared all that the prophets had foretold about him
As evening approached, the two followers invited the stranger to stay with them and have supper. At supper when the stranger took, blessed, and broke the bread, their eyes were opened and they recognized Jesus.
Jesus is alive, even now. Present to you and to me. Here at St. Peter’s. Especially in the breaking of the bread. And in our daily lives.
Have you experienced Jesus’ presence? How do we know he’s here and alive? Come tomorrow and hear a way for you to open your eyes to the reality of the living Jesus in everyday live.
See you in Church.
The Rev. Jenifer Gamber, Rector
St. Peter's Episcopal Church