It is with delight that I began my ministry as rector with you, in earnest yesterday, Tuesday, the Tenth Day of Christmas. (Yes, it’s still the Season of Christmas!)
Thank you for the welcome sign on the door and the vibrant flowers in the office. You are indeed a welcoming congregation.
What an auspicious time to begin our ministry together! Friday, January 6 we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany when the magi from faraway lands followed a great light to discover and pay homage to the infant Jesus, God incarnate, the Savior. We are a people called to shine Christ’s light here in Northern Virginia and to all people. On Sunday, we celebrate the Baptism of Our Lord when God declares Jesus as His beloved. We will recommit ourselves to following Jesus in our own lives by renewing our Baptismal Promises.
Over the next seven weeks, we will journey through the Season after Epiphany, a time when we are invited to open our eyes and hearts to see and know who Jesus is for us today. We will meet Jesus, heavenly Son of God, King of the nations, Lord of creation, and human. As we open our eyes and hearts, we will deepen our understanding of God’s preferred future as a people called to follow the light of Christ wherever it may lead for the sake of our neighbors and the world.
I am in awe of your commitment to loving, nurturing, and connecting with all people in your care, especially children, youth, and families and to serving your neighbors. As Andy+ testified in his thank you this morning, through faithful leadership, hospitality, generosity, trust and love, St. Peter’s is on a firm path going forward. Grace has prevailed, indeed!
I admire your willingness to invest in the future. Your forward-looking spirit is grounded in the grace of God and in strong and treasured traditions (some of which I have already experienced). These traditions will serve us well as we innovate toward a future in which God’s grace can continue to grow.
As we journey together, may we be guided by the same light that guided the magi from faraway lands to discover the Christ child, God among us, and who remains with us.
You remain in my prayers each and every day. Please reach out for a cup of coffee or lunch or just to say hello. I promise to do the same.
I cannot wait to greet you in person this coming Sunday!
The Rev. Jenifer Gamber
Rector, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church