Way of the Cross

If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. ~Matthew 16:24

Grace and peace to you on this Labor Day Weekend. I give thanks to God for the beauty of this earth and the treasure that is St. Peter’s. I pray that you find time over this long weekend to savor the outdoors and linger in conversation with friends and family.

This verse from Matthew that we will read tomorrow in worship is one of the hardest to swallow, and perhaps the most life-giving. It comes on the heels of Peter’s recognition that Jesus is the Messiah, the son of the living God. Jesus is telling the disciples what is going to happen to him in Jerusalem and what it means to follow him. We discover who we are when we give ourselves to others.

Over the past eight years Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has invited us into a movement to be a church of Jesus followers–a church that is loving, liberating, life-giving. Such a church is centered on Jesus, his teachings and his examples. Such a church practices the self-giving way of the cross that is unselfish, sacrificial, and gives of itself to others. Such a church is Spirit-driven and takes risks for the sake of the gospel. Such a church lives and bears bold witness to the vision and values of Jesus. Such a church celebrates the dignity and flourishing of every child of God. Such a church will discover an authentic way of life.

As we begin this program year, let us live into Jesus' call to follow him and to seek to live a cruciform-shaped life. Let us seek ways to give of ourselves to others and be a bold Christian witness to the world.

The Rev. Jenifer Gamber
St. Peter's Episcopal Church

Sunday Worship Services
8 a.m. Service | Rite I | Preacher: Lisa Work, Seminarian | The Campbell Chapel
10:15 a.m. Service | Rite II | Preacher: Lisa Work, Seminarian | The Sanctuary | Livestream

Sunday Christian Formation
9 a.m. Summer Bible study with the Sunday readings | The Parish Hall

Upcoming Events (Link to all events)
September 10th, Kick-Off Sunday (Worship at 10:15 AM | Festivities begin 11:30 AM)
September 17th, 9 AM First day of Sunday School for all ages (Adult Forums | CYF Schedule)

September 17th, 6 PM First Youth Group gathering (Upcoming Youth Events)

September 24th, 9 AM Intergenerational AFAC bagging event



