Opportunities for Adults
Shaping a Faithful Life
–– [L]et the wise, too, hear, and gain in learning and the discerning acquire skill.” (Proverbs 1:5 )
Forming Christians
We seek to provide a variety of opportunities for adults, in every stage of life, to cultivate a lifelong relationship with God; grow in the knowledge, service, and love of God; and practice a Christian way of life in the world informed by Scripture, reason, tradition, and experience.
At St. Peter’s we seek to be intentional in the ways in which we are formed as Christians. Adult Forums, small groups, mid-week classes, and serving others are some of the ways that we help shape a faithful life.
Foyer Groups
Foyer Groups are a fun and easy way for parishioners to gather together to enjoy one another's company, to strengthen bonds of community, and to meet new members. Groups are usually 8-10 people and typically meet in people’s homes for lunch or dinner once every 2-3 months throughout the year. Want to join? Complete this form.
Sunday Adult Forums
Adult Forms are opportunities on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. to discuss topics of interest, including the Bible, discipleship, parenting, social justice issues, and mission opportunities. Forums are led by clergy, parishioners, and outside experts.
EARS: Listening for God
Check out our Thursday morning short story discussion group, Thursday Ears. Meetings are via Zoom. Discussions begin at 10:30 am. New members are welcome to join at any time. The group reads a new short story each week, which makes it easy to attend whenever is convenient for you. Contact the office for information: 703-536-6606.
Occasional Classes
During Lent we host Great Wednesdays that include Eucharist, a meal, and a program.
St. Peter’s also has held two runnings of Sacred Ground, the Episcopal church’s film-and readings-based dialogue series on race and periodically discusses social justice-related books.
Other programs focused on the Living Compass approach to faith-based wellness.
Parish Retreat
Each Spring, usually the last weekend in April, our parish goes on a retreat at Shrine Mont. This intergenerational weekend includes generous time for relaxing, long walks, and resing as well as worship, classes, family olympics and an afternoon reception. It’s a not-to-miss event for the entire family.
Community Gatherings
St. Peter’s is the favored location for a number of outside groups, including weekly yoga and Tai Chi and monthly Neighbor’s Club, Mclean Quilters, AA, and a Garden Club. Check out our calendar for events.