Lent is the church season of getting ready for the great mystery of Easter. During these 40 days, we turn our lives more fully toward God by letting go of things that separate us from God and one another and taking on on new practices of living more like Jesus. Historically this 6-week period was a time to prepare for baptism on Easter. We invite you to join us in observing a Holy Lent.

Great Wednesdays

Six Wednesdays from March 12 - April 16
6:00 PM to 8 PM

  • 6:00 PM Evening Prayer

    We begin our Great Wednesdays in Lent with Evening Prayer at 6 PM in our chapel. Or if you'd like, simply start with dinner, which begins at 6:30 PM.

  • 6:30 PM Dinner

    We share a meal each Wednesday in Lent in the Parish Hall at 6:30 PM prepared by a group from St. Peter’s. It helps to know if you are coming. RSVP. Childcare available.

  • 7:00 PM Program

    This year we will hear from Adrien Gehring; spiritual director and artist. We will engage the Sunday gospel passages of Lent with our whole selves: body, mind, and spirit, to discover how these passages resonate with our own journey through life. Click here to learn more.

–– Wednesdays March 12-April 9 at 1 PM

Parenting as a Spiritual Practice

Parenting can be incredibly rewarding and exhausting all at the same time.  Sometimes, we enter into a relationship full of loving commitment with our children and wonder what happened to the person we were before we became ‘Mom’ or ‘Dad’.  Our culture expects us to simply layer our identities and wear many hats in a compartmentalized existence of shift work. With Adrien Gehrig, mom, spiritual director, artist.

Free class for parents! Come for one or all five sessions. Free childcare available.

–– Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. on Zoom

EARS in Lent

During Lent EARS will discuss Bishop Mariann Budde's book "How We Learn to Be Brave".

Bishop Budde teaches us that being brave is not a singular occurrence; it’s a journey that we can choose to undertake every day. She explores the full range of decisive moments, from the most visible and dramatic (the decision to go), to the internal and personal (the decision to stay), to brave choices made with an eye toward the future (the decision to start), those born of suffering (the decision to accept that which we did not choose), and those that come unexpectedly (the decision to step up to the plate).

–– Mondays March 10-April 7 at 6:30 PM

Eucharist with Healing

In this time of national disruption and upheaval, many are feeling anxious and facing real hardship. As followers of Jesus, we find strength, renewal, and solace by gathering for prayer, hearing the word of God, and breaking bread with one another.

Each Monday in Lent we will gather for Eucharist with healing at 6:30 PM. Come as you are. Anxious. Uncertain. Distressed. Come and rest in the abiding love of God. Find hope in the good news.

We will gather in the chapel.