Observe a Holy Lent
Lent is the church season of getting ready for the great mystery of Easter. During these 40 days, we turn our lives more fully toward God by letting go of things that separate us from God and one another and taking on on new practices of living more like Jesus. Historically this 6-week period was a time to prepare for baptism on Easter. We invite you to join us in observing a Holy Lent.
Great Wednesdays
Five Wednesdays from February 21 to March 20
6:00 PM to 8 PM
6:00 PM Evening Prayer
We begin our Great Wednesdays in Lent with Evening Prayer at 6 PM in our chapel. Or if you'd like, simply start with dinner, which begins at 6:30 PM.
6:30 PM Dinner
We share a meal each Wednesday in Lent in the Parish Hall at 6:30 PM prepared by a group from St. Peter’s. It helps to know if you are coming. RSVP. Childcare available.
7:00 PM Program
This year we will hear from the Rev. Dr. James Farwell, Professor from Virginia Theological Seminary. We will explore the history and meaning of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil. Click here to learn more.
–– Scripture Study
EARS in Lent
Join EARS every Thursday in Lent from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. to explore the lectionary texts from the Hebrew Bible with Biblical scholar Vicki Garvey. The offerings from the Hebrew Bible for Lent will remind us of some of the extraordinary covenants that our God made with our ancestors of the faith. And, from the Fourth Sunday of Lent, a rare glimpse of a process to heal human-made fractures thereof. DOWNLOAD FLYER (see p. 2
–– Noonday Prayer
St. Peter’s Podcast with Noonday Prayer
The Rev. Lisa Work, invites you on a heartfelt journey through the lives and faith of the people in our parish community.
Each episode will include a conversation with a member of St. Peter’s. Then all will be invited to pray together using noonday prayers from the Book of Common Prayer, offering a chance to pause and pray as a faith community.
Lisa hopes "The Real People of St. Peter's Podcast" will be part of your Lenten practices this year, as we seek to deepen our understanding of faith, embrace the transformative power of prayer, and open our hearts to the changes God calls us to make.
Together, we can discover new ways to live out our faith in action.
–– Compline
Compline on Zoom
For those who would like to end their Tuesday evenings in Lent on a quiet and contemplative note we invite you to Compline at 8:30 p.m. on Zoom. If you are interested in leading one evening please contact Rev. David.