
Tomorrow we begin a new summer sermon series “Dwelling in the Household of God.” God has been dwelling with creation since the beginning. Genesis describes God as walking in the garden in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8).  For a time, ark of the covenant that held the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments given to Moses, represented God’s presence among the people. The Israelites carried the ark through the wilderness, setting up a tent each night for God’s dwelling place. In tomorrow’s reading from Hebrew Scripture we will hear how King David wanted to build God a proper and permanent house for God.  God declines, reminding David how God is the one who called David to lead the people — “I shall make you a house.”

In his letter to the Ephesians the Apostle Paul picks up on this language of house and teaches the community they are  “members of the household of God…with Christ himself as the chief cornerstone” [Ephesians 2:19-20]. We understand ourselves belonging to the household of God and greet the newly baptized with these words, “Welcome to the household of God.”  

Our primary identity is as beloved children of a loving God and followers of Jesus who cares about all people and welcomes all people. We can rest on the firm foundation God has set.

In this time of increased anxiety and uncertainty, hold fast to this foundation. You are members of the household of God, called to share the good news of Christ in the world.



