Light of Christ

[M]y eyes have seen your salvation,
which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples,
a light for revelation to the Gentiles
and for glory to your people Israel.
~Luke 2:30-32

Grace and peace to you on this first day of Black History month. Join me in giving thanks for the great diversity of people in the United States and in the world, and particularly for the many contributions of Black Americans to our country. This diversity of God’s own making is worthy of celebration. Indeed “God saw everything he created and found it very good” (Genesis 1:31).

Tomorrow we celebrate the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, also known as Candlemas. We will begin worship with three cantors singing “O Gracious Light” and end by blessing candles for you to take home. The Episcopal Church has a regular calendar of Feast Days, most of which we do not observe at Saint Peter’s, at least formally. But this year, the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord falls on a Sunday, giving us the opportunity to lean into the celebration of Jesus and the light He brings to a sometimes dark world.

We will hear from the account in the gospel of Luke’s of the day that Mary and Joseph presented and dedicated their firstborn, Jesus, to God. At the Temple, the holy family encountered Simeon, who had been waiting for God’s salvation and recognized the Christ child as the fulfillment of God’s promise. Simeon calls Jesus the light of the world. The prophet Anna follows with praises of her own.

What a joy and privilege to gather in Christ’s name and be bathed in His gracious light, as did Simeon thousands of years ago. What deeper joy it is to bear the light of Christ in the world that is so desperately in need of God’s true justice, mercy, and compassion.

Come tomorrow ot receive a set of candles for your home. Light them at your evening meal, or a time set aside for prayer. Be reminded that you are the light of Christ in the world. You are called to bear God’s justice, mercy, and compassion each day.  It is a first Sunday with a children’s homily and children’s choir.

This world needs more light


Into the deep

