
“You are my refuge and my stronghold, my God in whom I put my trust.” Psalm 91:2

We are now in the season of Lent, a time for self-examination and renewal. On the first Sunday of Lent every year, we hear the story of Jesus, who has been led by the Spirit into the wilderness after his baptism. For forty days, Jesus fasted and prayed. He encountered the devil who tempted Jesus. Hungry? Turn these stones into bread. Looking for something more? Worship me and you can have these kingdoms. Unsure about God? Throw yourself off this cliff and see if God will send angels to save you. 

At each turn, Jesus rejected the devil's lies and took refuge in God. We do not live on bread alone, Jesus instructs the devil. Worship the Lord your God. We are not to put the Lord your God to the test. Jesus held fast and firmly to his identity as God’s beloved son. 

We, too, can find ourselves in times of wilderness. Perhaps you’ve lost your bearings. The world has turned more dangerous and you’re afraid. You’re alone, sick, or overwhelmed by grief. Wilderness takes many forms. 

Whatever wilderness you may be experiencing, what remains true is that you are beloved. God is your refuge and your stronghold. Put your trust in God. Nothing can change that reality. No person, no power, or principality can take away your humanity or your dignity. God will not leave you there. You have Jesus, who can show you the way through this mess.

Do what you need to hold fast to Jesus and put your trust in God. 

Finally, listen to a choral arrangement of Psalm 91 and know yourself to be held by God.



