
“Since it is by God’s mercy that we are engaged in this ministry, we do not lose heart.” 2 Corinthians 4:2

Grace and peace to you.

This morning, I met with eight children seeking a greater understanding of the Eucharist. We baked bread together, prayed, and talked about being the body of Christ in the world. What joy it is to gather in Christ’s name. What delight to witness the eagerness of children with open hearts ready to receive life in fullness. We can learn much from the children in our community.

The Apostle Paul spoke to discouraged Christians in Corinth, “Do not lose heart.”  Paul’s witness is for us as well. In the face of cruelty, insensitivity, hard-heartedness, persecution and challenge, it is easy to lose heart. At these times we must remember that we are called to be the people of God. Draw on God’s power. For it is not through our own strength that we live, but it is by God’s mercy that we are engaged in ministry together. We are called and equipped for this life.

This Lent, I invite you to draw on the power of God. Sunday, March 9th will launch our Lenten sermon series, “A new heart I will give you.” Lent is a season for self-examination and reflection. It is a time dust, honesty, and realizing that we’ve been holding it all together with duct tape with prayer. We don’t need to live like this. We can open our hearts and let God’s grace and mercy sneak in. Life is messy, but worth every moment. Take heart.  Let God shape within you new hearts.

I encourage you tomorrow to attend the 9 AM adult forum with Adrien Gehring. Adrien will lead our Great Wednesdays in Lent and introduce the program, “From the Wilderness to the Cross” as well as the practice of Spiritual Direction, which she will offer individuals every Wednesday afternoon in Lent in the library.  

And don’t forget worship at 8 AM or 10:15 AM where we will sing (or say) the last “Allelulia”  until Easter when we will once again proclaim that death never has the last word.

Do not lose heart, people of Saint Peter’s, God is already victorious. Created for compassion, kindness, and mercy, we are made for this world.  




Happy are they