
[S]uddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.  Acts 2:2

Grace and peace to you this Pentecost weekend. Tomorrow we welcome Bishop Ted Gullick to Saint Peter’s. We will also welcome newly baptized and others who have chosen to be confirmed and received into the Episcopal church. Together, we will renew our Baptismal promises. Remember to wear red. Plan to come for the bishop’s forum at 9 AM.

Have you ever been swept up in a gale-force wind? You lose your balance and can become disoriented. I wonder if that’s what it was like for the disciples gathered when the Holy Spirit descended upon them. It certainly disrupted their lives! Each was given the ability to speak the language of the people from every nation living Jerusalem. And the church grew like rapid-fire.

Imagine that! The Holy Spirit didn’t give the many gathered the ability to understand the language of the disciples. The disciples were given the ability to speak in the language of those they met. The disciples were able to share the good news in Christ in words and actions that made Christ known in the native tongue of others.

We are called to that same reorientation. We are called to listen to their hopes and dreams and share our stories in their language. Rather than expecting those new to Saint Peter’s to become like one of us, we open ourselves to receiving their gifts. Doing so might be disruptive. But it is sure to grow faith. 

What joy it is to grow as the people of God with you. I am grateful that we are on this adventure of faith grounded in God’s love together. 

Be swept up by the love of God.



