Called to Serve Locally
–– For I was hungry and you gave me food. (Matt. 25:35)
Feeding the hungry
St. Peter’s conducts frequent food drives to assist multiple organizations feed those in need, including AFAC, the Salvation Army, the Our Lady Queen of Peace food bank. We do more than collect food.
We purchase and package bulk food twice a year for AFAC.
We deliver meals through Meals on Wheels .
We make bagged lunches for participants in New Hope Housing.
We cook breakfast cook at the SOME shelter located several blocks north of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.
–– You shall open wide your hand to your brother. (Deut. 15:11)
Improving housing
Housing is a priority for St. Peter’s. St. Peter’s volunteers with Homes Not Borders to help set up apartments for refugees. For the last 33 years, St. Peter’s volunteers have turned out in force to work with Rebuilding Together to assist with repair projects, painting, yard work and more for an Arlington homeowner recommended by Arlington County.
–– Carry one another’s burdens. (Galatians 6:2)
Special Needs
St. Peter’s is a community that cares for others and strives to respond to the needs of our neighbors.
St. Peter’s households purchase gifts during the holiday season for families through the Arlington Housing Coalition, AHC, a non-profit housing developer providing homes for low- and medium-income families in Arlington. =
Each Christmas, in partnership with AHC and St. George’s Episcopal Church, we donate and deliver free Christmas trees to families in need. The fresh-cut Fraser fir trees, garlands, and wreaths are obtained from the Cline Church nursery in Fleetwood, North Carolina, and also are available for the parish and community to purchase.
We also offer disaster relief through the Episcopal Relief and Development Fund.