Worship Ministries
We welcome leaders
We have a place for you - whether you want to work behind the scenes on Altar Guild, Flower Guild or on the Audio Visual crew, welcome people arriving for worship by serving as a greeter or an usher, or assist during the service as an acolyte, reader, chalicist, or verger, your help is welcome! Training provided as needed
Altar Guild
Members care for the items used during worship services at the church—wine, wafers, service books, silver vessels, linens, and vestments. Altar Guild sets up the altar before each service and cleans up afterwards. Some preparations are done on Saturdays.
Youth in the 4th grade or older assist lead the processions into and out of the church carrying the crosses, torches, and Gospel book.
A/V Team
The A/V crew runs the sound for in-person worship and streams the services to St. Peter’s YouTube page. They also assist the musicians with recording and manage the A/V for special events such our outdoor movies, pageants, and musicals.
Flower Guild
The Flower Guild arranges the flowers for the church and chapel for each Sunday and decorates the church for special services such as Christmas and Easter. They also provide flowers for receptions.
Greeters welcome people as they enter the church through the front door. They also help direct newcomers to where they need to go – the nursery, the Nave, the Parish Hall, the restrooms, etc. Greeters are often the first people visitors to the church encounter, so theirs is an important ministry within the church.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Lay Eucharistic Ministers are trained and licensed to administer the consecrated wine during Holy Communion. They also lead the congregation in prayers during the service. Lay Eucharistic Ministers must be 16 years of age or older.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Lay Eucharistic Visitors are trained and licensed to take the consecrated elements of Holy Communion and administer them to parishioners who are homebound or in the hospital.
Lay Readers
Lay Readers read the Old Testament and Epistle lessons, lead the reading of the Psalm, and lead the Prayers of the People during worship services.
Music is an integral part of our service. The Music Program also sponsors a series of concerts during the year. See the Music page for information on music and choirs at St. Peter’s. T
Ushers provide information, help, and service bulletins to those entering the church. They bring forward the elements for the Eucharist, collect the alms, and guide the flow of the congregation to the altar rail during Communion.