
“Immediately [Bartimaeus] regained his sight

and followed [Jesus] on the way. — Mark 10:52

Peace and grace to you. The fall colors continue to unfold in increasing glory. How creation delights the eyes!

I am grateful for the trees and their colors. I grew up on a street named Maple Avenue. The streets were lined with gorgeous, majestic sugar maples. We tapped our backyard trees, collected gallons of sap, and boiled it down into delicious syrup for pancakes and french toast. How easily creation gives itself to us. Our family cared for creation in return – buying secondhand clothing and furniture, being sure to eat up leftovers, composting food scraps, and recycling paper and plastics. I am grateful for a family who sought to live simply and faithfully. I try to continue those practices today.

I thank God for you and your witness to God’s love in the world every day too!

In tomorrow’s gospel reading, Jesus performs a miracle: giving sight to blind Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus was sitting on the roadside and when he heard Jesus pass by he cried out, “Jesus, have mercy on me!” The crowd tried to hush Bartimaeus up, but Jesus told the crowd to bring the blind man to him. “What can I do for you?” Jesus asked. Bartimaeus replied, “Rabbi, I want to see.” Jesus said, “Your faith has healed you.” With that, Bartimaeus regained his sight and began to follow Jesus.

I am struck by Jesus’ question, “What can I do for you?” Jesus invited Bartimaeus to claim his desires.

I invite you to imagine Jesus standing before you with this same question, “What can I do for you?” Really. Stop and hear Jesus’ question for yourself. Ask, “What do I need today? What do I need to live life fully?” And ask Jesus to fulfill your heart’s desire.

Miracles happen every day. The sun rises. People are healed. Relationships are renewed. Miracles are glimpses into God’s reality and the fullness of life. The reality of miracles reminds me of this closing to Evening Prayer in the Book of Common Prayer:  

Glory to God whose power, working in us,
can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine:
Glory to him from generation to generation in the Church,
and in Christ Jesus for ever and ever.  Amen.  (
Ephesians 3:20,21)

Are you in need of a miracle? Take heart. Present your request to God. God is in the business of doing more than we can ask or imagine.

God’s promise of healing does not mean we will not face times of hardship or grief. In these times, God is with you, and so is your faith community.


The Lord’s

